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  • Writer's picturemcohe7

Cafe Culture

You can tell a lot about a town by looking at its cafes.

Cafe Central in Vienna is a tourist destination but has been around since 1876 and was part of the coffee culture of Vienna. It's in Freud's neighborhood so he hung out here along with other luminaries of the intellectual world. The cafe is located inside what was a private mansion and is designed in the Venetian style though the influence of Art Nouveau is very visible.

Cafe in Berlin Courtyard run by a New York restaurateur. Serves all "American" food.

Dome Hotel Cafe, Riga. Crusty looking fisherman and the very choppy Baltic in photographs.

Historical cafe near the Dawn Gate in Vilnius

Cafe in Lvov, very popular with locals and so lively!

A lot warmer than the Baltic region, Jerusalem has many outdoor cafes and a lively scene at night.

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