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  • Writer's picturemcohe7

Dramatic skies and a mighty river

In the morning on day 3 we woke up in the parking lot at the RV dealer and they could not have been nicer. The day before when we arrived (with masks on) only the service manager put on a mask when we walked in but in the morning everyone was masked and while they looked at our van one of the employees wiped down the waiting room. Turns out Friday was the first day employees had to be masked in Salt Lake City. We lucked out and while the dashboard lights were still on, the van was totally drivable and we went on our merry way towards Colorado.

As we drove out of Salt Lake City the endless traffic and endless box stores gave way to what Utah's greatest asset is, spectacular nature and dramatic skies.

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Jun 29, 2020

Great to hear about your adventure and see the beautiful open sky. Safe travels!

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