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  • Writer's picturemcohe7

Nomads of the Sahara and Atlas

The nomads of Morocco can mostly be found in the Atlas mountains and the Sahara. Many travel back and forth between these two regions seasonally, moving several times a year. Some are moving less and are considered semi-nomadic or sedentary. They have no running water, do not read or write, marry the one their parents choose, are warm-hearted and hospitable even to the outsiders who intrude on their lives.

A typical nomad's tent though this one is set up by a hotel for storage.

This family of nomads has been living in this cave for 20 years, so can no longer be called nomads. While we were there another nomad family came calling with a marriage proposal for one of the daughters. Ululating and some hard bargaining ensued.

This nomad family lives in the Sahara in the winter and spring and will soon be migrating to the High Atlas mountains. Notice they do have a solar panel which provides them with electricity. The stone shelter will remain and they will likely return in the late fall.

Simple conveyance probably for carrying water from the oasis about a 1/2 mile away.

The kitchen. The skin hanging in the middle is a goat skin with milk inside that is fermenting into cheese.

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