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Russian territory in the center of Jerusalem

Vladimir Putin is fond of saying that Israel is "part of Russia." We've heard that before. Better watch out, he might try to make it a reality. Russia does have a piece of territory right in the heart of downtown Jerusalem, in the area fittingly called the Russian Compound. Interesting history about that, in the late 19th century facilities were built to house Russian pilgrims to the Holy Land and dedicated to Czar Alexander II's son Sergei Alexandrovich. The facilities included a cathedral and numerous guest houses.

Photograph from 1890 showing Russian pilgrims.

After the Russian revolution people were prohibited from traveling outside the country and many of the buildings fell into disrepair. During the British Mandate many of the buildings were used for offices and a prison. The prison was used by the British to house Jewish fighters and is now a museum to the Jewish Underground. The box you see in the next slide hanging off the side of the building is the only one of the British observation towers left from that time.

In 2009 Vladimir Putin requested that this building (called Sergie's Garden) be returned to Russia since it was taken illegally. It was turned over as a good will gesture and renovated to be a hostel again for pilgrims.

Flag of Russian Orthodox church flies over the building though did not see a Russian flag. The gardens inside are some of the most beautiful in Jerusalem as you can see in the next set of slides and virtually unknown.

The small museum was setting up an exhibit of Soviet posters and photographs from the siege of Leningrad in World War II.

The people we encountered when we went inside were very friendly but don't think they spoke Hebrew, just Russian and passable English.

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1 Comment

Terri Cohn
Terri Cohn
Nov 18, 2019

What an interesting story about Russian Territory in the center of Jerusalem! Hope to see that someday.

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