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  • Writer's picturemcohe7

We aren't in Kansas anymore

Met up with the kids and grandkids in Kansas City and now we have turned around and are heading west for home! What I can say about Kansas is that it is full of contradictions. The site of Brown vs. Board of Education, birthplace of Dwight Eisenhower (new to me), the first place where people fought against slavery but a place full of Guns and Ammo, taking care of the unborn, and then being able to shoot and kill them once they are born, loving Jesus and Donald Trump, and sending us all over the rainbow. Rejoiced when we crossed the border back into Colorado. Did stumble on an "artistic" treasure looking for propane for the RV. Enjoy the first set of photos, and yes disturbing advertisement and looks like democrats don't bother to put up campaign signs.

Many of the small towns we passed through looked half abandoned except for the churches all well maintained. One spot in particular had some pretty interesting installations.

The tin man says it all.

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